

There are hickory golfers all over the world, usually organized into local or regional play groups.  If you want to connect with them, the best place to start (after your local group) is the Society of Hickory Golfers (SoHG), a national organization whose mission is “to promote and encourage the playing of Hickory Golf.”  They also run the U.S. Hickory Open.

The SoHG website has a vast collection of links and information, which would be useless to duplicate here. Instead, here are some good starting points within the SoHG website for your search:

BTW – if you are a regular hickory golfer, please consider joining the SoHG.  It’s $50 the first year and $35 a year after that. You get a bunch of cool stuff, including the right to argue about the future of hickory golf because you are a dues-paying member of the SoHG!

AGS-Motto-Logo1History fanatics who play hickory must check out the Auld Golf Society, formed by Chris McIntyre, founder of the McIntyre Golf Company, creator of hickory replica balls and quite simply one of the most interesting people playing and writing about hickory golf. As noted on the website,  “This is the Auld Golf Society.  Our motto, Estudio Cuota means Study and Share.  We are a group focusing on the details of club types, rules, players, games and history of the Auld Golf Eras.”

There is much to read and learn on the Auld Golf Site.  It’s totally worth subscribing.

Chris also runs the Auld Golfer website, which is a kind of a blog for his personal journey through hickory golf as well as a repository for many excellent repair videos, details on his vintage workshop, and a collection of vintage ebooks on the subject of…(wait for it)…hickory golf! Again, there is a ton of stuff here worth checking out.

Hickory Hub

Founded by FHG member and retired touring pro Richard Bullock and writer Kathy Bullock, the Hickory Golf Hub is the place for the latest hickory club news, tournaments and social events. Whether you’re an old hand at hickory golf or someone who has just discovered the satisfaction of vintage golf play, the Hickory Golf Hub offers hickory aficionados a place to gather to chat, exchange ideas, get tips on improving play and more.  The Hub is particularly good at posting pictures from events, so we’ll be linking to them a lot in our HOME/NEWS section


Probably the oldest hickory play organization is the Hickory Golf Association (HGA), whose website states:  “The mission of the Hickory Golf Association is to help more golfers enjoy the game using hickory shafted clubs. In doing so, the Hickory Golf Association aims to deliver more business opportunities to its members who are Collectors, accredited golf repair technicians, and tournament sponsors.”  The HGA is based in Des Moines, IA and seems to be the bonding national organization for many Midwestern players.  They also organize the long-running Heart of America Hickory Championship.